Before you can improve the features of your website (now this improvement can be in the field of SEO or user experience or anything else), you must first ask yourself what your goal is to launch a website and what have you considered as your mission? Why should users visit your website, read your posts and articles and buy from you? You must have clear answers to these questions. In this article, I will explain why setting goals for a website is crucial and why these goals should be relevant to the website’s audience.
What is the purpose of launching a website?
So what is the purpose of your website launch and what mission does your website have? These goals or missions include the ideas you have for your company and website. Anyone who launches a website, as a rule, expects something of its visitors. For example, you expect your users to read your blog posts or buy a product from you.
So, before you make changes to your website, you need to know exactly what your website is doing. Do not simply leave this matter to the side. Try to spend a lot of time setting your website goals. Knowing what you want to achieve can be a little difficult. Unfortunately, many of the websites that are asking for SEO advice or advertising with Google are unfortunately not going to get anywhere, because they are simply not ready. Most of these websites do not explicitly explain what they are doing and do not know what makes their products available among competing websites, and this is the main reason why it is stopping their growth.
How to define mission for your website?
I suggest that you spend time writing down some goals of your website and figure out its mission. Surely your website needs to give a message to the audience and your website’s mission is what needs to send that message to the audience. Once you know your website’s message, you’ll be able to easily connect with your customers.
To help you define or target your website’s mission, I suggest that you follow the list of questions below. These questions will help you better understand how you work:
- What can users do with the products or information you provide?
- What makes your products or services unique?
- How can your products or services improve the customer lives?
- Why do users need to buy products or services from your website and not your competitors? Or why users should read the content of your website and believes your words?
- What is the reason for offering these products, services or information?
Make your goals clear for your customers
Once you have identified your website’s mission, you should see whether your website reflects these goals as well. I would recommend first focusing on your landing page and your main page, because these pages are the first pages of your website that visitors are studying. You have only a few seconds to impress on your audience. It’s better to know that users are bored very quickly, so you should explain all the important points of your website very short, quick and easy.
By using several methods you can clearly tell your audience your message to the audience:
- Write cool content to introduce yourself.
- Title and description tags should be brief.
- Use beautiful and relevant images.
Introductory content
Your landing page and main page should (I must emphasize again) have fun content and can be well suited for your audience. In this content, you must explain the mission and objectives of your website to users. What exactly does your website work on? What do you sell on your website? Make sure this text is crisp and clear and users can communicate with it. Also, these texts should not be long (at most one or two paragraphs).
Title and description
Another way to send a message to the audience is to use a brief description and title. As you know, the title of your page or post, usually combined with a short description (at max two sentences) that can be a supplementary explanation for the selected page or a brief explanation of your brand.
It is advisable to choose the two texts that are relevant to the main purpose of your products. By choosing an appropriate header for your landing page, you can attract the visitor to your website, and at the bottom of the page, write a short description so that the audience correctly understands the purpose of your website.
If it was possible for you to choose the title of your page in a way that invites the attendants to perform certain activities. For example, say “Optimize your site!” Or “Increase your site rank!“
A picture is a concept that is more valuable than a thousand words
The third way to convey the message and the goals of your website to the audience is to use the right images. It’s easy to find pictures suitable for most products. When you are selecting images for your website, it’s best to remember your goals so you can better capture images to convey your message to the audience.
For example, if you want to sell chocolates on your website, you should have chocolate pictures appearing on the home page of your website. If you have a travel agency website, you should use eye-catching visuals on your website. If you have a website that provides specific information to your audience, you should find relevant images for your website by searching the internet.
Businesses come from different ideas. Some of these ideas are great, and others are not. But all of them, at the time of formation, think that they are providing a unique service that can transform the current market. This particular thing is exactly the mission and purpose of your website and you need to transfer it to your audience as best as possible. This transfer of concepts is, in fact, the factor that succeeds companies in various fields.
I hope this article has helped you get an online marketing strategy. What do you think of this? Are these methods suitable for determining the goals of a website? Also, if you have any questions regarding digital marketing and digital marketing education, share it with me through the comments section on this page.