Common mistakes in selecting keywords

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n the past articles, we also point out that keyword research should be the first step in any SEO strategy. Choosing the keywords you want to rank for them in search engines is the first and most important step to keep in mind.

However, researching keywords can be a tedious task. The question is, what should be avoided when researching keywords? In this article, we are going to explain the common mistakes that people make when they research and select keywords. By avoiding these errors, you can take a precise strategy to research your keywords.

Not reviewing keywords correctly

Doing the right keyword research can be a daunting task. You probably do not think that you need to do extensive and in-depth research, and you do not try to find what your audience is looking for, isn’t that the case? But do not make these mistakes. It’s best to devote some time to recognize your audience and their spoken language. You need to know what language your customers use and what words they use to come up with a better keyword.

The result of keyword research should be a comprehensive list of words and phrases you want to rank high in their search results. Be sure to update your list at specified intervals, because over time, not only your audience but your business needs will also change, and you should focus on them. These changes may affect your keyword strategy.

You are targeting unusual keywords

Try investing in real and popular keywords. Some areas of work are very competitive. It is very difficult to obtain high ratings in areas that are highly competitive. If you are starting to work on your SEO, you should not focus on competitive keywords, instead, you can choose long-tail keywords that have a higher chance of gaining their rank.

For example, if you have a fitness website, it’s very difficult to get high ratings for the word fitness. Think about what aspect of your blog or website is unique and try to get ratings for those topics. Perhaps you’re writing a story about fitness-related exercises for retired people. In these circumstances, the use of long keywords such as fitness for retired people can be an extraordinary strategy. In such circumstances, you should look for words and phrases such as fitness for the elderly or fitness for adults and produce content for them.

If you have a long history in your area of ​​work and you are earning high ratings for long keywords, you can target some of your competitive keywords as well. Remember, ranking for keywords should be part of your long-term research strategy for your keywords.

You use unrelated keywords

The keywords you target should be the same as the queries that customers are looking for. You should always use the language and tune that your audience uses. Suppose you are selling fashionable apparel. Perhaps in the traditional marketing of these clothes they would be known as “formal dresses”. However, Internet users may not use this phrase in their searches and will replace it with another word like nightout dress. So, you need to know what words your audience uses to search for their needs.

Instead of concentrating on plural form, you focus on singular

It should be noted that your keywords are either aggregate or singular. If you would like to have a ranking on the search engines for plural words; you should consider this issue. This issue can be easily checked in Google Trends. Using words in singular or plural form depends on your work strategy.

Look for keywords that do not have traffic

Long tail keywords are the best and most excellent way to start a keyword strategy. These words have less traffic, but they have a greater chance of turning the user into a customer. However, if the keyword you are using is very specific and there is no traffic for it, be sure that it will not help you. We suggest that you first ensure that you target long keywords with at least a little of traffic!

Forget your keyword evaluation

If you plan to get a particular keyword in the search results, it’s best to rate your ranking. You need to know if searchers find your content in search results. To do this, you must enter your keyword exactly every time in the Google search engine and check the results. Just search your website in search results. If you do not find your website for a keyword, and you can not figure out whether you need to invest in competitive keywords or spend time on long keywords! because you are lost, and in these cases, you need to start from step one.

You focus on only one keyword

If you are writing good and sensible content for your blog, it’s best to look for ratings for a few different keywords.


Doing research on keywords requires a lot of time. So, it’s important to devote enough time to do it. Also, you should know what words you are looking for in the ranking. Avoid the mistakes given in this article so that you can implement your strategy accurately.

We hope that this article will help you in choosing the right keywords and how to implement the strategy. We look forward to receiving your comments and suggestions. Also, if you have a problem with your SEO, share it with us through the comment. We will answer your questions at the earliest time.

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