What are Link Farms?

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The SEO world and search results have changed a lot from beginning till today. The methods that may have had a high priority for search ranking so far have been completely obsolete by a simple change in Google’s algorithm. One of the odd ways to optimize a link building website is link farm.

As you know, one of the important criteria for ranking websites is the number and quality of links that are there.

Google was the first search engine to link websites to determine their popularity and rank. Subsequently, other search engines considered linking as one of their qualitative criteria and allowed webmasters to boost the reputation and rank of their website by increasing their number of inbound links.

The same thing, after some time, created a phenomenon called Link Farm. In the following, I will explain to you what the link farm is and how these farms affect how your website ranks.

What is a link farm?

The link farm can be described as one of the techniques of Black Hat SEO, in which a group of websites link together or receive artificially and abnormally inbound link with a paid website.

The purpose of creating such links is to decode a search engine in a short time as a popular and high-quality website and thus rank high in search results.

In fact, according to many people, link farms are the fastest way to increase the incoming links daily. However, what remains hidden is that a link farm only increases the number of links to the website and does not have a positive impact on the quality of the links.

The change in Google’s algorithms over the past few years has made it impossible for a website to receive links like the past. As a result, search engines nowadays look at link farms as spams and, if found, penalize the websites.

Perhaps you ask how do search engines find out if there are link farms? Well, the answer is simple. Websites that exchange a link farm have been identified by Google because of the high volume of outbound links and their links. Google has tightened over the past few years and tries to display websites at the top of the search results, with high-quality content, and, of course, those who respect the rules.

Why you should not use link farms?

We all know that the links are divided into internal links and external links. When you search for something, search engines check the quality of links received by website pages in ranking the results. Consequently, at first glance, it is thought that the number of links is more likely to be better for your ranking, but the quality and relevance of the content of websites that link to each other also matter as much as the number of links.

The links are divided into two categories: Dofollow and Nofollow. Dofallow links are similar to scores that are sent from a website to your website. As a result, the more links to your website are referred to, the higher the chance of earning points. Conversely, Nofollow links have a different function, and it does not directly increase the ranking of your website, but everything is not that easy; Dofollow links, under certain circumstances, can negatively impact the website’s ranking.

Google uses a benchmark called Link Juice or link privilege to measure the power of external links. In fact, when a website links to you, it puts some of your credentials in the form of this link to your account and increases your website’s credibility.

At the moment, according to a relative recognition of Google algorithms, experts believe that nofollow links do not transfer value to a destination website, and only follow links can increase the credibility of websites. As the number of external links increases, the value of each link (link juice) decreases.

In addition, the main content of a link farm is a long list of hyperlinks that are referred to other websites. Often, these links are chosen randomly and completely unrelated. This lack of a link between them, coupled with the high volume of links to the link farm websites, causes Google to penalize websites that use these farms.

In fact, it must be admitted that linking farms, although are the fastest way to get a high volume of external links, they bring you the worst and most abundant links. The question now is how to look for useful and healthy links?

What method to use for link building?

For beginners (including a large percentage of internet users), link farm websites are one of the key options for improving website rankings. This method, compared to other methods, is easy to operate and very costly, and of course, most of all, does not require much time for management.

However, the problem is that after registering your website link in a link farm, you will likely see an increase in the number of visitors for a few days, but after a short time, users of your website will be reduced to a minimum. It may even get a lower number of visitors before using farm links.

Raising website rankings also involves links to topics such as SEO. If you are confident in the quality of your content and are looking for good quality links to your website, there are some methods that, although they require more time to manage them, and in terms of number, do not match the links received from farm websites, will increase the rank of your website in a much higher quality.

Typically, for links to websites, the nofollow tags are assigned, however, some websites or blogs do not restrict the viewers comment section and use the dofollow feature for the links they contain. As a result, putting comments on these websites or blogs will result in obtaining good backlinks.

FAQs and forums, such as Quora, are the best place for commenting. On these websites, every user who has a question immediately faces various and detailed answers with various links that click on each of them will create a backlink for a website related to the subject. Of course, be careful that there are some spam platforms out there. Try to check these websites before commenting on them.

On the other hand, social networks with millions of active and day-to-day users are one of the best places to get backlinks. The presence of socially-minded social networks (such as Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and LinkedIn) and the creation of useful content can provide you with stunning content. In the meantime, placing a link in the text content of posts creates an Inbound Link for your website that is of high value.

Also, being active on social media websites and the ability to share content on these networks is of great interest to search engines so that sharing, liking and commenting on these networks can play an important role in improving your website’s ranking.

Also, conducting polls, contests, and releases of special discounts on social networks and inserting a website address for further study will also allow you to get links to your website.

Write a guest’s post on other websites and put your link in them, although it’s time consuming, but if that’s possible, be sure to use this method because you create new audiences for your website.

In fact, users who are reading your article will definitely need it and will likely enter your website if they see the link. At this time, if there is quality content on your website, new users will circulate around the pages.

Also, hyperlinking using infographics on other websites is one of the other ways one can get some more backlinks.


Link building on link farms is one of the relatively old methods that are only designed to increase the number of links to websites and deceive search engines.

However, over the past few years, with the upgrade of Google’s algorithms and other search engines, these websites are facing a lot of problems, and their use not only does not have the benefit but because of the high volume of output links from them and the lack of a link between them will cause heavy damage to the websites.

There are some methods that, although they require more time and management, are more stable and provide even higher quality links.

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