Schema Markup application in SEO
In this article, we are going to tell you how we can use schema markup to improve the SEO process of your website!
Simplify your website for slow machines using schema markup.
Although there have been schematic markings and similar guidelines for many years, few websites have bothered to use it, and of course, very few did not even know what the schema markup code is! But you do not need to be embarrassed at all, we’re here to answer every single one of your questions about the schema and tell you why you should use the website’s SEO strategy as an integral component.
What is the Schema?
A schema is a collection of small information that is predefined and is expressed on the website. This method of job markup makes the website information analysis much easier and more effective for search engines, and search engines will be able to display results that are relevant to the user’s search query.
What is
In 2011, started its business as a major trading partner for major search engines including Google, Yahoo, and Bing, and is committed to standardizing language markup and integration. Instructions on this website are understandable for most search engines and many examples are available.
It is interesting to know that the main purpose of putting the Schema markup language in place is to replace it with backlinks.
How to use the Schema markup?
The schema will be placed in the page content as well as other markup codes. The schema elements and related attributes are placed directly in the HTML code in order to avoid the circulation of search engines in additional page information.
For example, if your website is working on a movie introduction, there are good ways to better understand Google’s robots from your website. With the Schema markup, you can tell straight to Google that you’re talking about a movie! To do this, simply use the specific movie standards at In this example, the information includes the name of the movie, the movie genre, the film’s video address and even the director’s name for Google’s robots.
Can schema markup improve SEO?
When your HTML code contains schema data, search engines can more easily interpret the content of your website, and this, in turn, increases the visibility of your website and identifies the original keyword by Google.
You need to know that the use of the schema markup code or other formats in the HTML code does not mean that you are cheating in your SEO, rather than using the schema on the website as a way to help search engines to display your website on the page, and there is nothing wrong with that!
Does applying the schema increase the ranking in search results?
No, until this time, Google has claimed that the use of schema markup is not a factor in increasing your website’s ranking, however, it boosts rich snippets of your content in the display of the result of Google’s search engine search.
This way, the way the results of your website will be displayed will vary with other competitors, and this simple change (for example, star rating) will increase the chance of clicking on your website. So that you may have won the third place in Google results, but the number of entries from the one who has the second place in the same phrase is much greater.
Bookmarking website pages are difficult, especially if your website has hundreds and maybe thousands of pages. Markup should be entered manually for all pages of the website with a lot more work for larger websites. Of course, in many content management systems, and with the proper layout of the page structure, this markup can be instantaneously available for all products and pages of the website.
But if you’re just started or have a small website, you can make a schematic tag without any hassle. Once you have done the markup, use the Structured Data Testing Tool to check if everything is working correctly.
Should we optimize the entire website information with schema?
No, but as you optimize more information using the schema markup code, the purpose and nature of your website’s content will be clearer for search engines. Also, remember that it is best to create a schema tag for a certain number of features so that Google can use this little detail before generating your website’s rich snippet. You can use Google’s Structure Data Testing Tool to figure out what information is extracted from the markup.
Note that each of these structures on the website is designed for a specific purpose and application and their use in a bad way may not give you the result that you were looking for. For example, the use of a product and service scoring system in the comments section of a blog is not a good method, and your work will not bring any results because Google will not display your ranking in your results.
Open graph on Facebook and Twitter Cards
Some marketers mistakenly think that the use of the open graph tag is all that is needed to see their content! If the schema markup code can be combined with social media tags simultaneously to access the search engines more detailed information will be used. Choose your website optimization and increase the chance of seeing your content from the schema markup code along with the open graph tags.
The open graph marks the pages of your website for better understanding by Facebook, this issue will be very important when your pages are shared on Facebook or the user is using the Facebook web search system. The Twitter Cards system is also used for the Twitter community and the sharing of relevant information. These two systems can be used independently in Schema at the same time.
When Google announced the, many webmasters worried that their kind of information, marked in other formats, was not compatible with the Schema markup code, Google paid attention to webmasters, and today the schema is in RDF format and other formats are compatible with it.
Do you use the schema markup code or other markups on your website? How effective has this method been in your success?