What is the Quality Score on Google Ads?

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In this article on Google Search Advertising Training, we want to talk about the Quality Score that directly impacts the costs and ranking of your ad display. Understanding the quality of Google’s search results can guarantee your success or failure!

What is the Quality Score on Google Advertising?

In one sentence, Google Ads gives your ad a quality rating of 10 and uses this criterion to rank your ad. The higher the score, the happier you are! That is, in addition to lowering your costs, Google is placing your ad higher and higher.

The quality of your work for Google is more important than the price you pay.

If your quality of work is higher, Google will also appreciate you. Because you’ve got user satisfaction, and Google is willing to put your ad higher, at a lower cost. Again, this is a 3 win game! Customers, advertisers and Google are all three winners!

But to see how this measure is so important and influential, and what criteria it is, read the rest of the article.

How is the quality of an ad measured?

Well, we have come to realize that ad quality is very important in our advertising rankings and costs. Now let’s get a little more accurate and see what exactly Google Ads is rating. Does the website’s SEO affect this score? (Let us answer that right now: No, not at all).

In general, Google has 3 different criteria for ranking your ad:

  • Click-though rate
  • Ad relevance
  • User experience from the landing page

Below, we thoroughly review each criterion.

Expected Clickthrough Rate

Google Ads (CTR) click-through rate is the ratio of the number of your ad’s clicked to its display. In other words, clickthroughs mean the number of people that clicked on your add from the number of users who saw your ad.

For example, a 10 percent click-through rate, out of 100 people who saw your ad, only 10 people clicked on it and logged into your website. Now the higher your click rate, Google gives you more points. Why?

The reason is quite clear. Suppose you are looking to buy a hands-free. On Google, you search for “handsfree internet shopping”. You’ll see some ad. Which one do you choose? Your pick is probably an ad that has at least the following features:

  • Attractive, that is to say, to motivate you to click on it.
  • Whether this website has the product you are looking for.
  • Be transparent – that is, be clear about what the seller is looking for and what services they have.

The higher your ad click rate is, Google will give your ad a higher rating. The reason is simple: the higher click-through rate means your ad text is better than your competitors’ ad and more users love it.

Personally, if I see an ad that has more engaging literature and I’m sure it responds to my need, I’ll definitely click on it. Keep in mind that when Google sees an ad being displayed many times but with very few users clicking on it, it turns out that the ad may not be of good quality and may not attract users. So it is important that the ad is high in quality!

You can see in your Panel exactly what Google gave you on the click-through rate index for each keyword. Your score will be one of the following:

  • Above average
  • On average
  • Below average

Above-average indicates that your click rate is in good standing and users are satisfied with your ad text.

But if your click-through status is below average, then you’re in trouble and your ad’s click-through status is critical! So you need to take action immediately to increase your click-through rate.

Ad Relevancy

Let’s say you want to buy an Apple phone from an online store. Well, you probably go to Google and search for “Apple phone purchase”.

You’ll see a few different ads. What happens if one of the websites says in the text of the ad: “Selling Samsung Phones Online” ?! Are you clicking on this ad? No! Very unlikely. Because you weren’t looking for a Samsung phone.

In other words, the link between what you are looking for and the ad text you are viewing here is incorrect. Thus Google will deduct points from you!

The relevance of Google ad to website content does not end there! Again, let’s suppose you search for “Apple phone purchase”, in the ad text you see “Apple phone sale”. That is, the advertiser is telling you that they sells Apple phones on their website.

So far that is a good thing. But when you click on the ad, you get to the Samsung Product Page! Thus Google will deduct points from you!

What do we draw from the stories above? That our ad and website should be relevant to the user’s needs. In other words, ad relevance occurs in two stages. First, your ad text should be relevant to what the user is searching for, and second, the user will be redirected to the relevant page of your website.

Therefore, when you get a good score on the relevance criterion of an ad: the word the user searched for was associated with the ad text, and the ad text with the page where we were sending the user. A user who searches for an Apple phone purchase will see in the ad text that you are selling an Apple phone and when he clicks on your ad, they will go to the page where your Apple phones are located.

This means creating a very good and logical connection path from the beginning of the user search to the visit and potentially purchase. So you should try to follow this path properly to get higher scores from Google.

This criterion is also known as the previous criterion with three points:

  • Above average
  • On average
  • Below average

Above average, your ad is relevant to users (and Google) and seeks to respond to users’ needs in the best possible way. Average status means you have to work a little more to make your ad more relevant.

But lower than average is worrying. Make sure you use the proper keywords in your ad text. Also, try to redirect the user to the relevant page of your website. Obviously, the user who is looking for the Apple phone will be disappointed if it enters your Samsung product page and is unlikely to buy anything from you. In the ad optimization chapter, we examine all of these more closely.

Landing Page experience

Have you ever left immediately after opening a website? Why? Because you probably didn’t like the website or couldn’t get your trust.

The website may not have attractive content or the website has been slow enough to make you regret it! All of this means the user experience of the landing page was bad (the landing page is the page of your website that the user is redirected to when they click on the ad).

Now, what is the problem? This is how Google Detective can determine whether the user is satisfied with your website! How? Google can easily detect the length of time a user has been on the website. And if users see that they immediately run away after clicking on the ad and logging into your website and returning to Google results again, they likely find that your website is not a good one.

Also, make sure your website is performing well on mobile. The fact is that most people who access your website through Google Ads are mobile users. Therefore, it is important for Google to satisfy mobile users and your website needs to have a good display on mobile devices and be responsive.

As with the previous two indices, this indicator is also known with three states:

  • Above average
  • On average
  • Below average

Above-average means your website is okay and users are happy with the website. Average rating means there is room to increase the quality of your website.

But if your score is below average, you should take action and improve your landing page. A very important point is you should avoid using pop-ups. As it may reduce user satisfaction and leave your website immediately.

The important thing to keep in mind is that the better your website is and the user is satisfied with its quality, the better your sales will be. Obviously, websites that are not attractive and do not have the right speed are less likely to sell.

Our approach at Google Ads and in any other advertising method is not just to increase input. But more importantly, how much of your visitors become your final customer. Therefore, having a good quality website, in addition to getting higher ratings and lowering costs, also changes your sales rate.

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