Rules of using pop-ups on your website

Rules of using pop-ups on your website

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A pop-up, full-blown, or effective catalyst?

Suppose a new project has been assigned to you for designing a website and you intend to spend all your knowledge and experience on designing a beautiful and functional website. In the first step, you will spend all the features of a good website and decide to take all of these ideas on your website. But perhaps you need to think about the process more with yourself. Maybe it’s a question of what can all of the good features on a website be?

If we want to simply clarify this concept for you, we should point out that even the excesses in the good features of a website can lead to bad output. Because the web space is not a place for bustle and extreme. In other words, the user who logs in to your website does not have enough time to visit all your pages.

If the respondent wants to answer a question, the worst thing you can do is to mislead him with intrusive and inappropriate information on the website. But what is the better solution?

Why is attention to simplicity important in website design?

The best solution that can be enjoyed by all users is the minimal approach to website design. The minimal trend has been a great deal of time in designing websites, and the reason is quite clear;

In fact, transparency and simplicity will be two big factors in the success of your website, because these two factors are the same features that all website visitors enjoy. Simply put, when you prioritize user satisfaction as a website designer, you are one step closer to success.

But if we want to look at the other side of the coin, we do not mean that simplicity and transparency is going to forget about the effective sales and marketing tools.

What are pop-ups and why did it come about?

Years ago, pop-ups opened up website design as a functional element in content display. The purpose of pop-up windows was to display the important and user-defined content without changing the overall structure of the website.

After a while, many websites exploited this good feature, and promoted the image. When all over the internet was packed with pop-ups, it was Google that, as always, came to rescue users.

According to Google’s new rules, websites that have a lot of advertising on their website will face a drop in rank on the Google results page. The main problem was at that time there were no clear rules for a pop-up acceptable by Google and users.

One could say good and bad features of pop-ups were not recognizable. In the meantime, there is another question: what is the first step to using pop-ups?

In this article, we are going to fix all the uncertainties about using the pop-up for you, and provide you with 18 quick tips on the current status of pop-ups in the design of the website.

Pop-up types and their performance differences

Let’s first see what popups look like, what purpose they have and why they should be used in a website design projects.

Modal: One of the most common types of pop-ups that users face on the web. These types of pop-ups usually appear at the bottom or the corner of the page as you get to the website.

Interstitial: This type of pop-up will cover the full screen when you enter the website, and you must first get rid of it to view the content of the page.

Notification Bar: This model usually resembles a notification bar at the top or bottom of the page.

Using pop-ups is not necessarily a mistake. In fact, the most important factor affecting the quality of the pop-up is the content in it and how the user accesses the main page space. The following are the correct choices for using pop-ups.

5 good reasons to use pop-ups on a website

You might think Google has a good relationship with pop-ups (especially mobile pop-ups) and it’s best to avoid them under any circumstances, but by knowing the following reason, you’ve come to the conclusion that if you enter the correct way, pop-ups have a very important role.

  • Attention: The fact is that today people do not have enough time to do their jobs; therefore, the use of small windows that contain important messages is very noticeable.
  • Psychological aspect: The human eye is more susceptible to smoothness in the small elements and windows that have beautiful effects.
  • High flexibility: Using pop-ups no longer only leads to annoying advertisements. Currently, you can use them when you login to the website, after scrolling or before leaving the user.
  • Clean Appearance: As mentioned in the introduction, minimalism is one of the most important elements in maintaining the beauty and simplicity of the website. So if you have a message that contains important information that is needed for the user, you can send this message to your website visitor using pop-ups without occupying the space.
  • Increasing Conversion Rate: According to the results, the use of popups increases the customer conversion rate by 3%. If you pay attention to the design and functionality of your website’s popups, this will increase by 9%.

Do not use pop-ups on phones

Google’s Webmaster Blog guide requires programmers to tailor pop-ups to users in a targeted way so that the audience does not have spam or annoying content.

Google is penalizing hard on those websites that use the following pop-ups:

  • The pop-up will be displayed to the user immediately after entering the page.
  • The pop-up hides the content of the website’s page and does not have access to the original content.
  • Pop-ups cover all page space.

18 important rules for the correct use of pop-ups

Compliance with these rules will increase your pop-up conversion rate and comply with Google’s standards that affect the website’s SEO.

  • Never use pop-ups without purpose, as this will take users’ time and thus lose their trust.
  • Design the pop-up to fit your website to the point of view.
  • The inclusion of pop-ups is a must-have for website design.
  • Use short and explicit text.
  • Your button or message in pop-ups should be clear and accessible.
  • Do not overdo your users’ information and only receive their email address.
  • Pop-up content should be relevant to the content on the page.
  • Give users enough time to review the website and do not use pop-ups as much as possible on the front page of your website.
  • Follow the Google rules in the mobile pop-ups (referenced above).
  • You do not have to have the same pop-up on mobile and desktop versions, design a dedicated pop-up for each device.
  • Leave a way out (the X button) to close the pop-up.
  • Show pop-ups for at least 5 seconds after the user logs in to the page.
  • Do not use duplicate popups on different website pages.
  • If you want to focus your attention on just one thing, place your pop-up window in the center of the page.
  • If you plan to give a special offer or special discount to the user, use the Sticky Bar instead of the pop-up.
  • If your pop-up content is not very user-friendly, place your pop-up on the page’s border.
  • Use personalized pop-ups to help your audience get more attention to pop-up content.
  • If the pop-up is closed once by the user, it should not be displayed on other website pages or subsequent referrals.


If you have valuable and special content for your website users or you want to increase visitors to your website, using pop-ups is quite reasonable and even necessary.

Try using different user-generated tests and errors to create different pop-up elements like outdoors design, content, CTA, location, and display time so that the user can view pop-ups on one page of the website.

How do you think the use of pop-ups affects customer conversion rates and attract users’ attention? Are they annoying to use?

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